Top 10 Financial Management Tips for ADHD Individuals

1. Establish Unambiguous Financial Objectives

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Setting goals is helpful  maintaining forward momentum,  e.g. putting money down for a future vacation, paying off existing debt, or an emergency fund.

2. Set a Budget

People with ADHD may find it easier to keep to  their budget if they  colorcode categories of their spending and set reminder

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3. Get Your  Finances  on Autopilot

3. Get Your  Finances  on Autopilot

To prevent late payments and overdraft costs, you should think about automated alerts and reminders.

4.  Keep Your Financial Documents Organised

4.  Keep Your Financial Documents Organised

Color-coding or labelling the Documents & folders  can make it easier to find what you’re looking for

5.  Make Use of Different Visual Aid

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Make use of financial apps that  offer graphical representations of  spending pattern

6. Restrict Your Ad-hoc Purchase

Before making any purchases that aren’t absolutely necessary, give yourself a “cooling-off” period first. This will help you avoid making impulse buys.

7. Make Use of  Financial  Programs and  Tools

7. Make Use of  Financial  Programs and  Tools

Automate processes, and  give you with information  regarding your spending and saving patterns.

8. Self-Care is Necessary

Include mindfulness and Iactivities designed to promote self-care into their daily routine. For Example: Meditation

9. Build a Support System Around You

It is okay to seek help from your loved ones and friends; don’t be hesitant to do so

10. Self-Audits and Course Correction

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Evaluate both your financial goals and your progress toward achieving them, Redefine your strategies as needed