Indian Foods That Benefit ADHD

A neurodevelopmental disorder affecting attention and behavior in both children and adult.

What is ADHD?

ADHD individuals may encounter issues with focus, impulsivity, restlessness, and time management.  These challenges can affect their academics, work, relationships, and self-esteem.

People with ADHD can benefit from a healthier diet because it helps them focus, maintain consistent energy levels, and to maintain good brain function.

Indian Spices

Turmeric, cumin, coriander, and ginger provide anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective benifits

Plant-Based Vegetarian Option

Plant-Based Vegetarian Option

Plant-based meals are plentiful; Lentils, grains, and vegetables are staples. Fibre, vitamins, and minerals in these  substances help in boosting brain function

Complex Fibre and Carb

Complex Fibre and Carb

Rice, lentils, and whole grains are complex carbohydrate and deliver energy slowly, giving the brain steady glucose

Dairy Products

Dairy Products

Cow Milk, Ghee, Paneer (Indian cottage cheese), and yogurt are great source of calcium as well as many other important elements.

Plant-Based  Milk Alternative

Plant-Based  Milk Alternative

Plant-based meals are plentiful - Lentils, grains, and  vegetables are staples. Fiber, vitamins, and minerals in these  substances boost brain function